What is a Family Resource Network?

Family Resource Networks are an initiative funded by the Government of Alberta to offer parenting and family supports in local neighbourhoods across the province. These services are free and available to families with children aged 0-18 years old.

Families Matter has the privilege of operating two HUB locations, covering both the Northeast and Southeast quadrants of Calgary. With collaboration from other agency partners (Spoke Agencies), our Networks come together to provide free prevention and early intervention programs to help families become resilient, strong and healthy.

Families Matter has partnered with Kindred, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Hull Services and Carya to provide services and programming to the families of Northeast and Southeast Calgary.

Please call or email the Intake Team at either of our HUB locations to learn more about what we offer:
403.205.5194 (NE Intake Line)
403.205.5180 (SE Intake Line)

Introducing Our Spoke Partners

Youth Mentoring Program

With the support of our professional, qualified staff, mentors form strong one-to-one relationships with their mentees that express care, challenge growth, provide support, share power, and expand possibilities.

To learn more call our HUB Intake Team at 403.205.5194 or 403.205.5180, or visit the Big Brothers Big Sisters website here.

Functional Family Therapy

Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is a unique way of working with families that specializes in dealing with the most challenging family circumstances. FFT is a short-term, evidence-based program that works with families over 12 to 14 sessions.

To read more about our program please click here.

To learn more call our HUB Intake Team at 403.205.5194 or 403.205.5180, or visit Carya’s website here.

Rapid Access Counselling

Rapid Access Counselling is a single-session counselling program that supports individuals, couples, and families with a 75-minute counselling appointment, often available within the week so you can get the support you need when you need it. This service is available for children, youth and adults across the province. We believe that change is possible for all families; one conversation at a time.

To learn more call our HUB Intake Team at 403.205.5194 or 403.205.5180, or visit Kindred’s website here.

Resilient Families

Resilient Families is a program that provides in-home support to help preserve and strengthen families. We provide support to families who may be having difficulties with parenting their child/youth and feel they could benefit from strengthening their parenting skills or increasing their knowledge on healthy child development.

We support families that may be experiencing stress or are worried about their own wellness or that of their child/family. We also serve families who need more connection to community services/supports to help them meet their needs.

To learn more call our HUB Intake Team at 403.205.5194 or 403.205.5180, or visit Hull Service’s website here.

Families Matter logo

Families Matter Spoke Programs

Families Matter also supports four Spoke Programs to complement our Family Resource Network offerings. Please click on the program names below to learn more: