Upcoming Avoiding Power Struggles (Online)
March 19, 2025 (Wednesday); 6:00pm-8:00pm MST
Power struggles are a natural and normal part of a child’s development as they explore their autonomy and independence. Children learn many skills from parents who handle power struggles with positive actions. This can be very challenging for parents, however, especially when working with children who are beginning to discover their world.
In this session, we will discuss how parents can diffuse these struggles and use tools to create more connection and cooperation.
Please complete registration for an Adult Participant for each attendee.
Registration will close on March 12, 2025.
This class will be presented through an online ZOOM platform, accessible by computer or cell phone.
Facilitated by Jan
Venue: ONLINE via ZOOM
Please note that all confirmed and registered participants will receive a zoom link via email for online session.
Please check the Junk Folder in the inbox of the registrant’s email for the link from the facilitator.